Sunday, January 15, 2012

Chapter XVII: Territorial Claims

Saturday, November 6, 2010
11PM to Midnight
The Coterie of the Resurrectionists discuss the death of former Ghoul-turned Kindred, Miranda Green. The Coterie make plans to reconvene at the shared Haven on St. Claude at 1am.
Agnes and Toby, her ghoul, return to her home in the Metairie where Agnes summons her Herd (schedules a ‘healing session’). She feeds on her Herd for the next 3 hours.

Meanwhile, Sean and Sibylle, along with Moira and Janus, go to their new territory to feed. There they notice that feeding has become increasingly difficult (-5 to feeding rolls).
 Janus leaves, to feed on his newly established Herd [Sick-homeless-hospital patients] at Tulane University Hospital (diseased patients; capped by his Humanity: Presence + Empathy + Auspex bonus).

Coterie meet at the Haven on St. Claude. Sean tasks Antonio to beef up security at their shared Haven (security rating has dropped from 5 to 2).

Moira awakens Malcolm from Torpor in his coffin upstairs. She tells him the events that transpired over the past week, also informing him that Sean destroyed Miranda, along with the rest of the Coterie. Malcolm accuses Sean of giving the Final Death without the Prince’s sanctioned Blood Hunt. He leaves.

Janus helps Antonio survey security of the shared Haven, discovers stacks of security disks with recordings of how Malcolm embraced Miranda while possessed by the Strix; while soon after the spirit jumps into Miranda’s newly embraced body who drives a wooden stake into Malcolms heart, puts him in his coffin and seals it (the recording shows a blurry form for both Malcolm and then Miranda after she is embraced, making identification difficult but possible within the context of the evidence). Subsequently, Sean calls the Sheriff and informs him of the evidence on the disks.

Donovan informs the Coterie that they have been granted an audience with Seneschal Maldonato at 7pm the following evening.
Moira pays for data recovery ($1,500) on broken disks to be delivered virtually on Sunday afternoon.

Sibylle and Sean go hunting & find that gangbangers are terrorizing and vandalizing their new territory; they find 1 group of 4 gang members tagging and spray painting graffiti on business and homes. They confront the taggers, shoot one of them in the leg and tell them “there is a new management in town.”

Sean attempts to mimic graffiti marks using Nosferatu sigils to proclaim the territory as theirs.
Meanwhile, 3 gangbangers attack Sibylle; 2 manage to stab her with knives. The supposed leader stabs her in the shoulder.

Janus and Moira locate a potential site for the Coterie’s new shared Haven. It is a large brick office/warehouse structure with a ‘For Lease’ sign.

Janus goes to ground inside Laura’s Escalade; tasks her to contact the leasing company for info on the new haven.
Moira contacts her covenant, the Lancea Sanctum, and obtains permission to sleep in the Sanctum’s communal Haven (secret panels located under the confessional boxes of St. Alphonsus Church. Sean meanwhile spends the day at his mortuary while Sibylle enters Markus’ body, possessing it.

Sunday, 7th of November.
The Coterie gather at Perdido House for their audience with the Seneschal. Malcolm confronts the Coterie, accusing them of destroying his progeny. Maldonato finds favor with Sean after review of the evidence on the retrieved security discs. The Seneschal admonishes the Coterie to be more careful with these type of security recordings, as they could pose a Masquerade breach if stolen by mortals of vampire hunters. He tells them that encrypting the information is safer but still no guarantee against Masquerade violations.

Sibylle contacts Lemuel by phone to establish a Living Trust for
 Maria Santos, Fausto’s last mortal descendant living in the United States.

Montage Scene
Time frame: Sunday, Nov. 7th through 10
Objective: Establish command and security of our new Domain & Haven in Tulane-Gravier District .

Sibylle-“Work with Sean as dream & nightmare to subvert the collective will of our Domain”
 “Work with Moira to infiltrate & worm our way up the hierarchy and infrastructure of the Buddha Boys gang” [Exceptional Success]
 “Establish a new shared Haven while working with Lem to ensure the secrecy and security of our new haven (also using Dominate 3)” [Success]
 “Doing Agnes’ bidding” [no rolls made-success]
 “Increase security of her private Herd through her private Haven as well as helping patrol our new Territory to establish our control” [Success]
 “Establish our reputation and our game name as dreams & nightmares of Tulane-Gravier District” [Exceptional Success]

End of Session